Leigh Machin, Games Programmer, Website Development and Games Programming
My home page with an introduction describing my video games and website programming interests
A history of my education in web development and games programming
Portfolio of games programming work
Portfolio of website development programming work
My Curriculum Vitae (Resumé) containing all information about Leigh Machin
Photos and Videos of my travels
Messages users have left me concerning games programming and website programming
Various links, video games development, website programming, etc
Feel free to contact me about video games programming, web development or anything really!

C/C++, Visual Basic,
Direct X, OpenGL,
Web Programming,
Games Programming,
MS Windows, Linux,
PS2, PS3,
Xbox, Xbox 360

My Photos/Videos - Red Hot Chili Peppers, Derby, UK (2006)

We saw the Chili Peppers at Derby's Pride Park football ground. It was hot and sweaty with lots of people fainting and it was a bit of a crush but was a great concert.

Currently showing photos/videos 1 to 13 of 13
The all important tickets, photographed on top of a Xbox 360, Derby (2006)
1. The all important tickets, photographed on top of a Xbox 360, Derby (2006)
The crowd of mostly white teenagers wait for a long time to be let into the stadium, Derby (2006)
2. The crowd of mostly white teenagers wait for a long time to be let into the stadium, Derby (2006)
A freaky, but cool-looking, Chili Peppers fan, Derby (2006)
3. A freaky, but cool-looking, Chili Peppers fan, Derby (2006)
The die-hard Chili Peppers fans wait for hours for the gig to begin at the front near the stage, Derby (2006)
4. The die-hard Chili Peppers fans wait for hours for the gig to begin at the front near the stage, Derby (2006)
A support band, who were quite good, a bit like a punk rock Pink Floyd, Derby (2006)
5. A support band, who were quite good, a bit like a punk rock Pink Floyd, Derby (2006)
Another good support band, I think they were called 'Ben Folders band' or something like that, Derby (2006)
6. Another good support band, I think they were called 'Ben Folders band' or something like that, Derby (2006)
The first thing the crowd shouted when the band came on stage was 'Who ate all the pies…', Derby (2006)
7. The first thing the crowd shouted when the band came on stage was 'Who ate all the pies…', Derby (2006)
The Chili Peppers begin their performance, there was a big push and squeeze at the front of the crowd, Derby (2006)
8. The Chili Peppers begin their performance, there was a big push and squeeze at the front of the crowd, Derby (2006)
Flea and John do some improvised guitar playing, Derby (2006)
9. Flea and John do some improvised guitar playing, Derby (2006)
Luckily for the people way back in the stands, there were some big screens, Derby (2006)
10. Luckily for the people way back in the stands, there were some big screens, Derby (2006)
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11. The Chili Peppers perform "Under the Bridge", Derby (2006)
John sings a solo, Derby (2006)
12. John sings a solo, Derby (2006)
John comes to the front of the stage to play 'Under the bridge', Derby (2006)
13. John comes to the front of the stage to play 'Under the bridge', Derby (2006)
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Leigh Machin © 1999 - 2024 : Site last updated December 2015